Yesterdaynight I watched the following episode of National Geographic Channel: NGHD – UFOs Seeing is Believing.

Not on the Television, but on my computer. I've had downloaded the episode in HD quality (NGHD – UFOs Seeing is Believing DD5.1 720p) and watched yesterday night the episode.

Somehow it makes me curious; there are victims and approvals of people who saw lights and/or UFO's, but no-one believes them.  Why don't they believe the people who really saw those objects? I don't know, but it's a weird and rare thing what I can't explain. If you watched this episode too, maybe you've had also questions about this. Why does the US GOverment say that the UFO's what people saw were weatherbaloons, the moon or something else?

Let's say that we are just not alone. If you believe it or not, there are things alive on other planets…

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